Timesheet how-to's:
- URLs and Login Details: The URL for online timesheets and details on who sends the initial invite can be found in the "Timesheets" section.
- Resetting Passwords and Resending Links: If a worker or TSA hasn't received their login link or needs a password reset, resend these through the timesheet management section.
- Reopening or Correcting Timesheets: Dismissed timesheets can be reopened, and timesheets submitted to the wrong TSA can be reassigned through the timesheet settings.
- Manual Approval Checks: For manual timesheet approvals, if it hasn't been uploaded, check if you or Sonovate need to handle this by reviewing the guidelines in the "Timesheets" section.
- Client Submitting Timesheets/Expenses: Clients can submit timesheets and expenses on behalf of workers via their Sonovate account.
- Viewing Timesheet Status: View all workers' timesheet statuses in the "Timesheets" overview section.
- Billing Specific Workers: To hold timesheets and prevent them from being billed on specific days, use the timesheet control settings.
For more detailed steps and visuals, visit the Sonovate Help Centre (Help Centre - Sonoplatform) (Help Centre - Sonoplatform) (Help Centre - Sonoplatform).