Questions related to timesheets are covered here
- How workers set up their Sonovate Timesheets account
- Worker confirmation when a timesheet has been approved
End Client - How timesheet authorisers approve worker timesheets
- How to check timesheet status
- Submitting manual timesheets
- How to submit expenses
- How to dismiss and re-open timesheets
How workers set up their Sonovate Timesheets account
Here we have a step-by-step guide on how workers set up their Sonovate Timesheets account.
Our section for workers can be found here:
- Once the assignment is set up, you can now send the invitation to your worker. They will receive the email with a link to
- They need to click this link and enter their 'First Name' and 'Last Name'.
- Create a strong, unique password. We do not send out temporary passwords.
- Once the worker has read and accepted our terms and conditions, click 'Sign up'.
- The worker has successfully set up their timesheet account and it is now ready for them to start submitting timesheets.
Note: The timesheet authoriser will only receive a link to sign up when the timesheet has been submitted to them to approve. Once received, the process of setting up an account is the same way as above.
Video Guide
The video below if a submission guide for workers, which provides the whole journey from sign up to submission.

Worker confirmation when a timesheet has been approved
- Your contractor will receive an email notification of whether their timesheet has been approved or rejected.
- If approved, they have no more actions to take.
- If rejected, they are directed to the portal to correct any errors and resubmit.
How timesheet authorisers approve worker timesheets
Here is a video guide to help timesheet authorisers get set up on the portal:
- The timesheet authoriser will receive an email notifying them that timesheets are ready to be reviewed and signed.
The timesheet authoriser will only receive the link to log in when the timesheet has been submitted to you to approve. Once this has been done, they can log in as normal at - The email contains a link through to the portal, which the timesheet authorise clicks on to approve or reject the timesheet(s).
- In the case a timesheet is rejected, the authoriser can leave a message explaining why. (Candidate would then receive an email notification, and have the chance to rectify and resubmit).
Backdated Timesheets
We will accept timesheets which have been backdated up to the beginning of the month prior to current month i.e. the final timesheet deadline in March is the last date we can process a timesheet which includes time worked in February.
How to check timesheet status - video
This video provides insight on how you can check worker timesheets status, providing you with full visibility of the process and preparing billing cycles accordingly.
Unsubmitted Timesheets: Time records entered by workers but not yet officially submitted for approval to the timesheet authoriser. If a timesheet is in the ‘unsubmitted’ stage, this means that the timesheet has not been submitted to their approved.
Unauthorised Timesheets: Time entries submitted to the timesheets authoriser, but have not been reviewed or signed by them. If a timesheet is in the ‘unauthorised’ stage, this means that the timesheet has been submitted by the worker but it has not been approved by the authoriser. You can see who the timesheet has been submitted to by clicking on ‘activity’. Below you will see what authoriser the timesheet has been submitted to, and what time.
Unbilled Timesheets: Recorded billable hours for projects or services not yet invoiced to clients and paid out to workers. If a timesheet is ‘unbilled’, this means that the timesheet has been submitted and approved by the authoriser, and the timesheet is ready to ‘bill’ and send payment to the worker. Once payment has been sent, an invoice will be generated for the client. You can find this under ‘billing’ and ‘billing history’.
Submitting manual timesheets
Please see our comprehensive guide for processing timesheets that originate outside of the Sonovate system.
How to submit expenses
Watch our tutorial video below on how workers submit expenses.
We will need clear evidence on your expenses, e.g. receipts, in order to process them excluding mileage. We also require approval from your timesheet authoriser. Failure to do so will result in your expenses being rejected.
When submitting expenses, it is important to understand if VAT is applicable against expenses. It is the responsibility of whoever it is submitting and approving these expenses to always check that the information we receive is correct. If zero VAT is submitted, this will mean that zero VAT will be generated against the expense. It is crucial for the person who submits or uploads the expense approval in the timesheet app to ensure that the correct VAT element is applied.
For manual timesheets, we require the expenses in the same email as your timesheet in order for us to process.
Please be aware that you can only upload manual evidence (expenses or time worked) into the timesheet app on behalf of the worker if it has been approved by the timesheet authoriser.
Dismiss & Re-open Timesheets
How to dismiss a Timesheet
- In the timesheets section, find the timesheet that you would like dismiss.
- Next, click on the 3 dots next to the timesheet, and then click dismiss.
- Click dismiss again on the message. The timesheet has now been dismissed and cannot be submitted by your worker.
Please note: You can only do this before the timesheet has been invoiced.
How to Re-open a Timesheet
- In the 'Timesheets' section, click the 'All' tab.
- Find the timesheet that has been previously dismissed.
- Click the 'Options' button on the right hand side and then click 'Re-open.'
- You will now see that the timesheet will return to the unbilled list of timesheets, and can now be submitted.
- If you reopen a timesheet on behalf of your worker, this means that the worker will be able to resubmit their timesheet again.
- If you have an approved manual timesheet, you can upload this into the timesheet app on behalf of your worker.
- You will not be able to submit an online timesheet if you reopen it, you will only be able to upload an approved manual timesheet in to the app.
Need help?
You can raise a Support Request directly in SonoPlatform by creating a help centre ticket. This system ensures your request is handled efficiently by the right team, with clear response times and status updates.
Discover how to create a support ticket here.