How can I check my workers timesheet status?    

Using the 'Timesheet' Tab - you can click into individual timesheets and see the current status


What is availability vs liability?    

For more information on the differences, please the link below: https://help.sonovate.com/balances-availability-v-liability#relationship


My candidate dismissed their timesheet – how do they reopen it?   

Workers can reopen their timesheet by clicking into the dismissed timesheet and clicking the blue button that says 'edit'. The system will then confirm with you whether you would like to edit your timesheet – please click ‘Edit’. This will then re-open your timesheet and you will be able to submit your time as usual.


The supplier hasn’t received an invoice?    

We have sent a CSV file to your workers supplier (umbrella/own ltd) so they can have a breakdown of the payments in Xero format, which they can upload to their accountancy software, and then create their own invoices. 

Please note: Payments take up to 24 hours to be sent.


Why can’t I bill a particular timesheet?    

If there are “issues” appearing when trying to bill, click onto the “x issue/s”, and it will tell you what the issue is and how you can resolve it. 


How do I upload an assignment?

Please see link below for creating new placements: https://help.sonovate.com/time-fund-solution#how-to-videos 


How to add a rate increase/decrease?    

If the rates are increasing/decreasing, a new assignment needs to be added. This assignment will need to be added from the date that the rate increased/decreased if there are any invoices that need back dating.


Why is my candidate being asked to upload a signed timesheet?    

If your worker has a 'manual' timesheet with the client that is already signed, they can upload this instead of submitting an online timesheet. The evidence needs to clearly state the time worked, the workers name, and clear authoriser signature.


VAT has been applied incorrectly, what is the process?      

Please add the VAT number to the supplier page by clicking into the supplier, and adding the number into the VAT number box. If your worker hasn't had VAT applied to their payment, we can calculate the amount due to the worker, and amend the CSV breakdown. The payment will need to come from the agency as this has been paid into the margin. Please see below for information on our VAT process: https://support.sonovate.com/knowledge/vat


Can you we remove a client contact from the system?      

We cannot remove a client contact from the system entirely, however you can remove them as an invoice contact and authoriser from any assignment. You can also click into the client contacts, and reject their permissions to authorise/receive invoices.


My candidate missed the billing run but their timesheet is now approved, how can I get this paid now I am on the new system?    

 We have now removed deadlines for timesheets; instead you have a billing run which can be checked by clicking the 'billing' tab, then 'manage billing schedule'. If this timesheet has missed your auto-bill run, please email with the OTS reference, and we can manually bill.


I have an extension with new rates, what is the best way to do this on the system?    

Use the copy assignment feature and amend the rates and dates before sending timesheets to worker. 


How do I work out how large a funding limit I need?      

Funding limits can be calculated using the link below: https://www.sonovate.com/credit-request/


My client have paid me rather than Sonovate, how can I return the funds?      

Use bank details on the invoice, forward remittances to finance@sonovate.com.


My worker has submitted an incorrect timesheet to their authoriser (online) - what can be done?      

The worker can reopen their own timesheet and submit to the correct authoriser provided they are on the assignment. Or an agency can reopen, if they have approval evidence - the agency can submit manually. Please see the link below on how this can be done:


What do I do when my client is at their limit?    

Please click the "request new limit" button, and increase the limit. Once you have done this, our Risk team will assess your request and release a decision within the SLA. This can be monitored for future reference by clicking the 'client' tab, then looking at the 'funding limits' column.


My Assignment has been extended, so I need to extend the dates. How do I do this?    

Click in to the assignment, under 'duration' you can then click three dots, and extend the dates. 
What can I change on an Assignment?    

You can change:

  • The dates on the assignment
  • Worker job title
  • PO
  • Payment terms
  • Expenses (if clients will/will not accept),
  • Client sites
  • Invoice contact
  • Timesheet authoriser


What can't I change on an Assignment?    

If any of the following needs changing, a new assignment is required, to do this simply 'copy' the assignment and make the required changes:

  1. Change in Supplier (worker)
  2. Rate amendment
  3. Timesheet frequency
  4. Client entity change
  5. Currency change

Why hasn't my worker / candidate not received their payment? 

Payments take up to 24 hours to be sent to the Umbrella or Ltd Company, for instance if you billed anytime on Wednesday the Umbrella or Ltd Company would receive the payment at the latest by 5pm on Thursday.

Please can we advise that if it is still within the 24 hour SLA we will not be able to advise anything additional other than it takes up to 24h for payment to land in the recipients account.