Discover how you can fund your permanent invoices alongside your temporary assignments
How does Total Funding work?
Are you currently using our Time-and-Fund solution to manage and fund your contract workers? You can now import and fund permanent invoices, giving you access to Total Funding, on the one Sonovate platform!
This article will cover the following steps:
- Import your Permanent Invoices
- Set up your Clients Ready for Funding
- Invoice Evidence & Approval
- Get paid!
1. Import your Permanent Invoices
You can easily sync invoices from your accounting software, or manually upload invoices through a CSV file if preferred.
Option A - Automatically sync your accountancy software
Before you can sync your invoices, you will need to connect your accounting package to Sonovate.
- Click on your company name in the top right corner of the dashboard, and then click 'Settings'.
- Go to the 'Connections' tab, and then click 'Connect'.
3. Choose your accounting package provider, and then click 'Confirm'.
4. Select the data you'd like to share, and then click 'Allow Access'.
5. Next, click 'Confirm'.
6. You'll be taken back to this page and you'll now see that your accounting software has successfully connected to Sonovate.
Syncing Invoices to Sonovate
1. To sync your invoices, go to the navigation bar and click 'Invoices'.
2. You will see 3 buttons in the top right corner. Click 'Sync'.
3. Your invoices from your accounting package will appear on this page once the sync is complete.
Please note: The auto sync feature will pull all invoices from your accounting software, but you'll be only able to fund the perm invoices.
Syncing will also pull your client information into the Sonovate platform.
Option B – Manually import the invoices you want to fund
Download the CSV template here before you start to upload invoices. The template will help you fill in the correct information for a successful upload. You can read more on manually uploading invoices here.
1. From the homepage, click the 'Invoices' tab in the navigation bar.
2. Next, click the 'Import invoices' button located in the top right corner.
3. Download the CSV template, and fill in the details of the invoices.
4. To find the 'ClientId', go to the clients page and use the ID in the URL.
5. Once the spreadsheet is completed, click the "Upload a .csv, xlsx" here.
6. Here, we can see at the spreadsheet was correctly filled out, and the invoices have been successfully uploaded.
Please note: To perform a manual upload, you will need to first create your client details in the portal. Click here to watch our tutorial video on how to do so.
2. Set up your Clients Ready for Funding
1. Go to the navigation bar and click 'Clients'.
2. Choose a client that you need to set up funding for.
Note: If you have synced your data from your accounting software, your client details will have been automatically created. Click here to watch our video on how to manually add client details to the portal.
3. Under 'Limits and usage', click 'Request a funding limit' and enter the requested amount. Be sure that you have selected the correct currency.
Once completed, click 'Request'.
4. Once we have approved your request, you will see that your limit is set, and you will have ability to see in real time when funds have been used to fund your invoices for that client.
3. Invoice Evidence and Approval
To fund a perm invoice, we require evidence of the invoice that meets our criteria, as well as approval by a client authoriser.
Evidence Criteria
The below must be included on your uploaded invoice evidence:
- Agency Name
- Issue Date & Due Date
- Client Name
- Candidate Name
- Candidate start date
- Percentage fee
- Sonovate Bank Details
How to Upload Invoice Evidence
1. To upload the invoice evidence, go to the invoice in question and scroll to the bottom of the page.
Click on the invoice button, and select a document to upload:
2. The invoice evidence has now been uploaded, and will be checked by our verification team for approval.
Invoice authoriser approval
You also need confirmation from the client that the candidate has started the role.
Click the "Add authorisation" button, and fill in the details of the authoriser.
The authoriser will then receive an email like this, and will need to confirm that the worker has started in their role.
Once authorised, the portal will look like this:
Once we have checked the evidence provided, the portal will appear like this:
The above screenshot shows that the invoice evidence and the confirmation of start have both been approved.
4. Get paid!
Once your invoice has been approved, it will be funded automatically. The value of the funded invoice (less your Sonovate fees) will be put onto your balance. This will automatically be paid out to you the following day, so there’s no need to come in and withdraw it.
In the example below, the perm invoice of £5,000 has been approved and funded, and added to your balance.
This will be automatically withdrawn at the end of the day, and paid the following day.
Need help?
Get in touch with us at and one of our friendly team will be happy to assist.