Giving you better visibility of your payments

View all of your payments in and out of your Sonovate account

We have provided some enhancements that will make your billing and payments clearer and easier to understand. This applies to payments we send to you, as well as payments to your suppliers/workers. The payments section is your place to see all cash moving in and out of your Sonovate account.


Payments Out


All cash payments out of your Sonovate account are shown here. This includes:

  • Withdrawals to your own business bank account
  • Payments to your suppliers
  • Payment of Sonovate fees

The list is split between payments that have been scheduled but not yet made and payments which have completed.

Click on a payment to view further information about it including payment dates, bank details and links to related parts of the system.



Payments In

All cash receipts into your Sonovate receipt accounts are shown here, including who sent it and when. If you’re looking for a specific payment, you can search by sender name or payment reference or filter the list by date and currency.

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Daily Payments Summaries

Daily Payments Summary Email

You will also receive an email each day summarising any billing or payments activity related to you or your suppliers. This email will provide an overview of who has been paid and what the payment value is, as well as an indication of any payments issues.

Below is an example of the email you will receive:


Daily Payments Summary Screen

You can link from the email to our Daily Payments Summary screen (this is also accessible via the Daily Summary listing under the Payments tab).  By default the screen will show transactions for the specified date, but this can be changed in the top left. The screen is in two sections:

  1. Payments to you
  2. Payments to suppliers

Payments to you

Any payments made into your business bank account within the set timeframe will appear here. You will see the status and value of the payment.


You will also see a link ('How is this calculated?') that will show you how we arrived at the payment figure. This includes a summary of all transactions that made up your payments, including (but not limited to):

  • invoices that we've funded
  • supplier/worker payments that we made
  • any credit notes we've processed
  • our fees

This will also show you if you started the period in a negative balance (i.e. owing Sonovate money for any reason, such as previous overpayments). NB - payments to you may be more than just "your margin", and may include other transactions, as outlined above.



Payments to suppliers

Any self-bills or payments related to suppliers will show in this section. Payments will be broken down by supplier, and will show a payment status and amount.


The supplier payments may be in one of several statuses:

  • "Green" - the amount paid matches the amount billed
  • "Amber" - there will be a payment, but it differs from the billed amount, normally because the worker owes money
  • "Grey/ghost" - there will not be a payment, normally because the worker owes money
  • "Red" - there will not be a payment. This could be for a number of reasons, but often because the associated client invoice has not been funded

You can drill into each payment to see the worker breakdown. If there is a difference between billed and payment amount, this will be indicated. Clicking on 'Why?' will show you the recent transactions for that worker. In this example, a previous timesheet was adjusted (credited then rebilled) because the worker had over-claimed time, leaving the worker in a negative balance i.e. owing Sonovate money. This negative balance has been deducted from their latest payment.



Take a tour

To see it in action, take a tour of the daily summary screen in the system now!