This article explains how to process one-off transactions, such as bonuses, on a timesheet.
If you need to process a one-off transaction, you can now do so via a worker's timesheet. This will create an extra invoice line on your client sales invoice, and one on your supplier's self-bill.
NB - this functionality is available to you, but not to your workers. You have to do this on their behalf.- Navigate to the timesheet that you would like to use for the transaction
- You will see a new tab called 'Other transactions'
- In that tab, you can add a new transaction. Every transaction requires the following:
- A name (which will appear on the invoice)
- A pay amount (which will be paid to your supplier/worker)
- A charge amount (which will be charged to your client)
- Evidence (such as an email from the client)
Let's see an example:
- If you want to process a pay-only transaction (i.e. pay your worker, but not charge your client), you can do so here by entering '0' in the 'Charge amount' field. The value of the 'Pay amount' will then be taken from your margin and paid to your supplier/worker.
- When you click 'Add transaction' this will be added to the timesheet summary. You can add as many of these as you like.
- Please note - adding one of these transactions turns the timesheet into a "manual timesheet" which means your worker cannot then edit it, and it will need to be submitted to Sonovate for approval. So you may want to ensure that your worker has added any time to the timesheet before you then take control of it.
- When you're ready, submit the timesheet. Once it has been approved by Sonovate, it will be picked up in your next billing run, and paid the following day.